Operated by Friends of Bombay hook
Blue Heron Gift Shop
Some Items for sale in the Gift Shop

This decal is available as a "Thank you" for donations of $10 or more to our Capital Improvement Fund. This fund has been established to provide either full or partial funding for capital improvement projects at Bombay Hook. (The area shown in black is actually clear.)
Please request Item #871 when you make your donation.

Bombay Hook NWR Patch, Item #291 $5.95 each

Bombay Hook Quarter Lapel Pin, Item #479 $5.00 each

Bombay Hook NWR Magnet, Item #748-2018 $3.50 each

Limited edition 2023 Bufflehead Patch. $ 8.00 each

3 Bombay Hook NWR Oval Decals, Item #44 $4.50 each

Bombay Hook NWR Walking Stick Medallion, Item #873 $6.00 each

Bombay Hook NWR Quarter Key Chain, Item #376 was $11.95 each
now $7.20 each.

Bombay Hook Stilt Lapel Pin, Item #41 $5.00 each

Bombay Hook Oval Lapel Pin, Item #42 $5.00 each
Join the Friends of Bombay Hook and take advantage of the member discount: Friends' members receive a 10% discount off of regular retail priced merchandise and also off of sale priced items. We accept major credit cards, personal checks and debit cards.